The Lantern Parade simply could not operate without the generous support of its wonderful volunteers. Volunteers have the opportunity to work alongside the The LightnUp Team to deliver this exciting signature event. Whether you are an experienced volunteer or just starting out, volunteering is a great way to help others, meet new people, build new skills, experience new challenges, build up work experience and make an extraordinary contribution to our local community.
Experience is not necessary and whatever skills you have to offer we would greatly appreciate.
Please note that training is provided.
Pre-event and
ongoing throughout the year
Making & repairing lanterns & props
Patching, fixing & decorating the lanterns
Covering small and large lanterns with paper and /or fabric
Painting lantern bases and props
Selecting, fitting and labeling carry poles
Make candle holders and hooks
Cutting out shapes for decorating lanterns
Make lanterns under direction, once experienced design your own
Assist with making fire rope and constructing fire effects
Lantern workshops (school & community)
Travel to schools and groups with coordinator to assist with workshops
Assist with preparation for school workshops (see above)
Good communication and people skills are essential
A Working With Children Check is essential, available from NSW Service Centre - online
Assist with data entry, promotional packages, mail outs etc
Answer phone, take bookings for workshops; lantern carrier sign ups
Poster and flyer distribution around Lismore and Northern Rivers area
Prepare lanyards, schedules, photocopying
Prepare wristbands for collection
General & domestic
Make lunches for workers and volunteers (final week prior to event)
Maintain cleanliness of the kitchen and toilet areas
Tidy workshop
Assist with ground maintenance (odd jobs and whipper snippering)
Fixing shelves and repairing work areas
Set up for the Fiery Finale
Help construct the Main Image, set, bonfire, fire props
Set up LFX, sound
Design and build the Ceremonial Gates
Assist set up of perimeter and safety fences
In the Fiery Finale
Dance performance
Fire Choreography
Carry lanterns
Assist with light and sound
On the day
Help set up road closures TC ticket required
Drive lanterns to and from the assembly point - own vehicle with tow bar required
Drive lanterns in our vehicles between Lantern Shed/Workshop and Assembly Point
Set up in Magellan Street
Help with Finale site set up
Assist preparation of parade assembly area
Assist with lantern decorating
At parade assembly directing people, answering questions, laying out lanterns for the parade, under supervision of parade manager
Handing out LED candles and carry sticks
Cleaning up the assembly area after parade leaves
Parade marshaling
Carry a lantern in the parade - nice to do in a group of friends
Assist with parade assembly before it departs
Participate in the finale
Survey festival goers
Post Parade
Help transport lanterns back to the workshop
General site clean up - assembly and finale site
Packing down fences and gateways
Return fences to Baseball Fields
Clean up fire pit area
Clean up at the workshop
Sort and pack away lanterns
Send out thank you certificates
Assist in report writing
Assist with survey collation and evaluation
Assist with the return of hire goods
Assist with the return of sponsor banners etc
Assist with filing, administration to finalise event activities
Specialised Roles
• Traffic controllers with current NSW TICKETS for Saturday 24th June
• VANS, UTES and TRUCKS for the period of the parade 4pm - 6.30pm staying with vehicle for Traffic Management’s Hostile Vehicle Mitigation
• A team to help deliver lanterns from the workshop to Magellan Street Assembly area Saturday 22nd June 9.30am - 12.30pm
• 9.30am - 12.30pm on SUNDAY 25 June to return the lanterns home. Utes and trailers welcome, but helping hands to LIFT and CARRY (really important too)
• help to clean up the site of the fiery finale and derig the fire props Sunday 23rd June and Monday 24th June 9.30am. Meet at the Riverside Car Park, Victoria Street.
More Information
Jyllie Jackson
CEO / Festival Director
02 6622 6333 or 0412 732 102
If you would like to participate in this wonderful community event please complete the online volunteer registration below.